May signs UN migration compact : Her true face

Content 1. UK 2.Canada 1. UK Theresa May is a betrayor she wanted to remain in the EU later she wants a very soft Brexit not allowing the UK to withdraw from the EU customs union unilaterally over Northern Ireland a fake problem. As UK interior minister she was in full support of limitless immigration and of her EU warrant of arrest. The latter is in fact the modern GESTAPO. Next Monday she will sign the UN migration compact. The reason I write this article and the last one on the Brexit vote in the UK parliament is that she and Merkel continue as if nothing has changed during the last 2 years. And indeed a UK petition to refuse the UN treaty on migration was started too late. The same kind of lateness we see in May's so called negotiations with the EU. On purpose she did not disclose her true intentions until time ran out. Her secret withdrawal agreement and her secret legal advice piece of paper are signs that the Fourth Reich remains in the driving seat and today's replacement of Merkel as party leader does not change things much. Please read the other article from today on this blog. Please sign the UK petition against the UN migration compact. 2. Canada As I wrote and tweeted before on Canada. 1. Canada is one of the TOP immigration countries in the world due to its large territory, low population density, prosperity, and the English and French languages. 2. There is NOTHING to be gained from any UN immigration policy for such a sucessful immigration country like Canada. 3. The forces of mass immigration are everywhere in the developed nations and the French speaking ones like France, Belgium and Canada are at the fore-front with devastating effects. 4. Prime-minister and French speaker Justin Trudeau is a good fiend of French President Macron who just got a Revolution going on in France due to his arrogance and mass immigration policy. 5. The fact that Trudeau and his party and his journalists and nobody else in Canada did not discuss the signature of the UN migration compact just shows the state of democracy in Canada. This treaty must not be signed next week and it must be ratified by the Canadian parliament regardless of the fact that the treaty states otherwise, e.g. no 'ratification' needed. 6. Compared to the ghettos in France and the US and Belgium and Germany and many other developed countries Canada is a paradise and this will be destroyed with mass immigration.
